Upon the guidance of our great Tao, we have carefully focused our FU talisman offerings into ten of the most commonly needed and requested types. Instead of overwhelming you with an endless list, we aim to guide our believers toward quality over quantity. Every FU talisman you purchase from us is handcrafted upon order and undergoes a sanctification and consecration ritual, ensuring you receive genuine and authentic divine power.
We refuse to participate in the low-cost market filled with pre-made, flea-market-quality FU talismans that offer nothing more than psychological placebo effects. At Tin Yat Dragon, we stand firm in our commitment to authenticity, offering real Taoist magic for the faithful in need. Each FU talisman is a serious request for help, submitted directly to the gods in our sect.
We are not selling paper or artistic drawings. We are facilitating a spiritual agreement between humans and the divine. Your payment is a symbolic offering that reflects your faith and devotion.
If you have specific needs beyond our ten offerings, we also provide custom FU talismans. Feel free to contact us to discuss your custom order.
Please read the FUs description, and then select what you need on our list, then click "add to cart" and continue shopping until you are done. You may purchase multiple FU Talismans and check out in one go.
FU stabilizes energy, promotes peace, and keeps everything balanced. If life feels rough, it smooths things out. If things feel too soft or uncertain, it gives you strength and stability. It's perfect for anyone, anytime, and is especially useful for safe and happy travels!
Carry this FU to shield yourself from negative energies, spiritual impacts, and unseen threats. It’s like armor, especially if you’ve experienced spiritual attacks or harassment. It’s also highly effective against spiritual possession or sorcery attacks.
Place this FU at your property’s entrance or anywhere in the space to set up spiritual guards. They will protect your home, keep it peaceful, and ward off unwanted entities. It’s like having a security guard for the spiritual dimension, ensuring no unwelcome visitors.
This FU pushes out evil spirits or negative energies from a house, object, or person. Once they’re gone, they won’t disturb you again. Pair this FU with the Protection FU afterward to keep your space safe—just like closing the windows after shooing mosquitoes out.
Use this FU to clear away unwanted energies. Burn it into incense or mix it in water to transfer its power. Cleanse your house, objects, yourself, or even your pets to reset energies to neutral and prevent negative manifestations from building up. After exorcism, it is always a good idea to cleanse, because evils can leave bad energies behind that can contaminate and bring misfortune.
Place this FU in areas where conflicts or arguments happen. It helps calm tensions, reducing unnecessary fights and misunderstandings, especially when minor things suddenly spiral into major issues. It restores harmony and peace among people.
If you suspect people are backstabbing, gossiping, or plotting against you, this FU is your remedy. It creates distance from these “villains” and protects you from harm. It’s particularly useful in workplace politics, where things can quickly spiral out of control.
This FU supports your career, whether you’re looking for a job or want to secure your current position. Carry it with you to gain divine guidance, helping you make smart moves and recognize opportunities for success.
This FU attracts wealth, not just as money, but also through ideas, opportunities, and inspiration to achieve your goals. It’s great for planning and decision-making, boosting your chances of success and growth. Use this FU to bring in potentials and increase fortune.
This FU amplifies your energy to boost creativity, focus, and motivation. It’s ideal when you need a push to succeed or perform at your best. For example, if you’re selling something at a convention this weekend, this FU will help you shine and attract success! Use this FU when you have something that need a boost!
FU talismans don’t have a fixed expiration date like milk or bread. They are a ticket of request for help from the divine, and their effectiveness is rooted in your faith. The more faith you show and demonstrate, the more help you can receive from the gods.
However, if the FU becomes physically worn out or damaged, it’s time to replace it with a new one. Typically, talismans like the Career FU or Wellness FU last about a year. Most FU talismans don’t last beyond a year due to the energy output linked to your initial offering.
Once a FU talisman is no longer needed, simply throw it into the trash or dispose it like your regular papers. If you have experienced significant blessings and help from the divine, you can always do an offering to thank them for the help.