Sun Paai 神牌 – the god’s signage. This is a must-have for our altars, because it is used to mark the connection with our gods, and the celestial court that we connect to. Different lineage has different Sun Paai which has their own main gods and deities in it.
To make life easier, we actually got the Sun Paai (printable) setup in our shop now. You can purchase it directly from printify! Get your Sun Paai printed!
The Sun Paai is a signage, and it serves as a signage that mark who and which god is going to connect to this altar. With the Sun Paai, the gods coming to your place will know that this is a legit altar for this lineage, and also “THIS” is the altar built for THEM.
Everyone building an altar in our lineage have one of these Sun Paai hung up on the wall, and it could be big or small, yet it must be properly placed and activated to be a real Sun Paai that works.
Sun Paai in our Lineage
The Sun Paai design can be downloaded in our download page. The lineage Sun Paai connects to the main gods of the lineage, and also the guardiansand such. Our main gods are:
- Saam Law Jo Si
- Tin Law Jo Si
- Dei Law Jo Si
- Daai Law Jo Si
- Sun Lung Jo Si
- Gum Lung Sin Si
- Jee Lung Sin Si
- Ng Lui Sin Si
- Baak Hork Sin Si
These nine main gods are the core power of the lineage, and there are many other gods which you might see in the Cheng Sun spells which you can find in the other Cheng Sun post too.
Activation of the Sun Paai let the god witness that this is a LEGIT Sun Paai and is registered in the celestial court – which means it will WORK when you Cheng Sun and invoke the gods to come. To activate the Sun Paai, you need to find an upper to do it for you (via LINE), the masters can do it because they have the authority. Newbies cannot activate the Sun Paai because you do not have that authority in the lineage.
What it Means?
Here are 2 videos explaining what the words on the Sun Paai say...
Ground altar...