Religious Court, Gaau Ting (Saamlawnese: Jiao Tieng), is a spiritual court closely associated with the celestial court, Tin Ting. While the celestial court exists in a realm far removed from our world, the religious court is situated slightly above our atmosphere. It is important to note that these courts are not physically visible to the naked eye.
Both the religious court and celestial court play significant roles within the lineage system. Above the celestial court lies the God's Court, Sun Ting, which serves as our power source originating from our Taoist's "Heaven," Daai Law Tin. The celestial court receives resources from the God's Court and acts as an intermediary accessible from our world.
The celestial court safeguards the "originals" from the God's Court while providing resources to the religious court, which is closer to our world. Disciples rarely have direct access to the celestial court, as it adheres to strict rules to maintain its purity and protect its sanctity. Everything within the celestial court is preserved in its original and pristine condition. In case of any issues within the religious court, the celestial court serves as a backup, ensuring continuity.
In contrast to the celestial court, the religious court serves a different purpose. It is intentionally designed to be as diverse and adaptable as possible. Its primary goal is to allow for customization, modification, and even the creation of new elements within the system. For instance, if a spell exists only in Saamlawnese, a disciple fluent in another language may create a version of the spell in their own language, such as English, Vietnamese, Arabic, French, Japanese, or a condensed version. The religious court embraces the idea of customization and creation.
As the lineage progresses, it becomes difficult to discern the original elements, resulting in a perceived impurity. However, this impurity does not hinder the effectiveness of the system; instead, it leads to the emergence of various forms and variations. Analogously, it is akin to music—original authentic compositions evolve, modernize, and give rise to new hybrids. Similarly, traditional Chinese instruments are now used in contemporary bands and orchestras, demonstrating the growth and evolution of art forms.
The religious court aims to foster an open system where disciples collectively contribute to the development of the lineage. The higher courts provide wisdom, guidance, and power, and we, as a community, thrive on this foundation by branching out and creating diverse variations to make Saam Law Tao more inclusive for a global audience. As long as the core remains unchanged and the focus remains on the Tao, other modifications and adaptations are aligned with the system.
Culture and Traditions
While we discourage the mixing of religions as it leads to no meaningful progress, the religious court offers an alternative approach to accommodate human traditions and cultural practices. Some individuals may not associate themselves with any specific religion but still engage in certain ceremonies or rituals based on their cultural customs. For example, before starting a project, film crews in Asia may worship the sky or nature, or construction workers may offer prayers to the land. In some cases, people may unknowingly set up an altar without fully understanding its purpose. The religious court allows these practices to coexist by integrating its power into such events, eliminating potential dangers and threats. Consequently, individuals can continue with their customs while receiving the protective influence of Saam Law's magical power.
For those who follow another religion, we previously only tolerated multiple paths up to the Tin Yat Stage. However, with the assistance of the religious court, we now extend this tolerance to the Saam Law Stage as well. If individuals wish to blend their existing religious practices, they can incorporate the power of the religious court into their respective paths. This integration is acceptable and feasible. Nevertheless, it is important to emphasize that continuous discussions about another religion by a disciple can be disruptive and disrespectful. To draw a parallel, it is akin to learning karate but persistently discussing Muay Thai with fellow practitioners in the dojo, which is both peculiar and impolite.
The Court's System
The religious court system is highly potent yet easily comprehensible. Detailed information on the topic can be found in our "disciple blog." Here's a brief overview:
The system resembles a mountain with three peaks, each adorned with a palace responsible for specific tasks. Disciples can tap into the power of a peak using spells or spiritually connect with the altar within the peak. These connections facilitate activities such as cultivation, performing ceremonies, worshiping, and communicating with the gods. Installing new elements into the court also necessitates traveling into the peak. Once an element is integrated into the system, every member within the lineage can utilize it.
The court relies on the collective efforts of individuals within the lineage, working together as a team to cultivate and expand the system. As disciples gain foundational knowledge, they can create shortcuts or codes that make accessing learned magic more convenient for newcomers. For instance, if spells are primarily written in Chinese but an individual only knows English, they can develop an English version and incorporate it into the system. This allows other native English speakers to use the spell without language barriers. Customization and creation extend beyond spells to symbols, FUs, methods, and other aspects of the system. The possibilities are limitless.
Tech Metaphor
To better grasp the concept of the courts, consider a technology analogy involving computers and networking:
The God's Court, Sun Ting, serves as the master control and the origin of all things. It is the highest-level administrator and cannot fail. Therefore, it possesses essential functions and focuses on stability, security, and an everlasting system. Creativity and experimentation are not encouraged in this realm.
The Celestial Court, Tin Ting, acts as a mirrored "system copy" of the God's Court for the human world. It encompasses everything that Sun Ting offers, providing a stable system. This court is preserved as a backup and reference, and no modifications are allowed.
The Religious Court, Gaau Ting, functions like a server to which all members of the lineage are connected. This server offers numerous accessible features, allowing installation, modification, and customization to cater to individual needs. Once a program is integrated into this system, every member of the lineage can utilize it, making it a highly convenient and valuable resource.
The altar within your home, Taan Ting, can be likened to a personal computer or laptop. You have the freedom to customize and experiment with it, and if any issues arise, you can retrieve a copy from the religious court to recover your system. Since it is a personal setup, it is natural for most people to experiment, even if it leads to occasional crashes. The altar is designed to encourage exploration.
Taking a step further, your physical body can be seen as the altar, similar to a mobile device. It is user-friendly, easily accessible, and customizable. However, its capabilities are relatively limited compared to the higher courts.
One can also envision the body as a wallet, the altar at home as a safe, the religious court as a bank account, the celestial court as a larger bank, and the God's Court as the place where currency is created. This metaphor helps illustrate the hierarchical structure of the courts.
The religious court was gifted to us in March 2023 by the gods in Daai Law Tin. This invaluable addition empowers us to enhance the lineage for a global audience. The live interactions and adjustments from the higher courts are truly captivating and enriching, contributing to the evolution of our community.
Here is an illustration of the Religious Court!

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