It’s Lunar/ Chinese New Year again, and before you can follow our Luck Boost Guide, it's a good idea to prepare your house to receive it.
The most important Year End cleansing period goes from the lunar December 24th until the 28th.During this time, you are supposed to be cleansing and not just cleaning your home.
Cleansing vs. Cleaning
Imagine your room is a total mess.
Maybe it's been like that for a while, with piles of laundry here, food crumbs over there… and now you have rats!
Even if you clean and tidy up, you keep finding strange smells, droppings and smears, damaged cables…The only effective solution is to get rid of these troublemakers first, then clean up the mess AFTER they're gone for good.
Most people know how to clean up the mess, but they don’t know how to cleanse - which is to clear up the troublemakers in the first place.
That's why you keep having the same issues and repeating the same patterns year after year.
Want to break free from this curse?
Follow our Lunar Year End guide, and make use of Nature's best energy flow for cleansing yourself and your home:
* Starting on the Lunar December 24 = January 26 for 2022 *
Day 1 – Lunar Dec. 24 – Mindset Regroup
Sit down and list out all the things you feel were bad this year, things you don’t want to happen again or want to get rid of - such as bad friends, bad luck, patterns of bad things happening to you all the time etc.
For example, you found out that a bad friend Jenny betrayed you and this year you want to detach from her.Then, think about what in your house is connected to this person or pattern.
Tell yourself that you want to be YOURSELF again, and that it's time to let the bad stuff go for good!
Day 2 – Lunar Dec. 25 – Search and Capture
Find everything related to these people and things; the old stuff you've been keeping for ages… even forgot they were there! Or stuff that you bought thinking they'd be useful, but ended up never touching it.
Don’t give yourself the excuse of “I might need it later” – you can buy things again with a better mindset of "getting a necessary upgrade" or "buying what's really useful", or "buying at the right timing".
It’s always a good idea to upgrade your life, instead of dragging on and hanging onto your old stuff forever.
There are people who love to keep their old phones from 10 years ago "as backup", then turns out that they never need to use it.Why not do a proper backup? Your old phone has your old luck on it, too. Cut off that connection and refresh yourself now.
Capture all the old/ useless things, and set them aside to later make your final decision.
Day 3 – Lunar Dec. 26 – Cleansing
After you've searched and captured all the clutter, it's time for “cleansing” - that is, cleaning up the energy side of the house, not just the visible mess.
To do this, you will need to use magic.
But if you don’t know how, the most natural way is to use Nature’s power to flush the house:
- Open up all the doors inside the house, drawers, windows and such. Let everywhere be open and exposed.
- Leave the main door and backdoor (if you have one) for last. This allows the energy to go around the house and then flush out.
- Then, make some music – you can just hit pots and pans with a stick; or use an instrument - such as these cymbals - for extra fanfare!
Starting from the main entrance, you will walk to your left and go around the house, then go up, and down, and exit to the right of the main entrance.
While you go around the house, embed your intention into the music you make by reciting something like “begone the bad luck and out the house” – anything to command the energies to go out of the house as you push them around.
After the ritual is all done, close the main and back door, and then all the other doors, windows, drawers etc.
Day 4 – Lunar Dec. 27 – Bag and Seal Up
Put all the things you want to throw out in a trash bag, non-transparent ones. The best color to use is black, or dark green/brown bags.
Make sure they don't have anything poking out anywhere, tape up holes if you find any:imagine there are little minions inside the bags, you don’t want them to be able to “see” what is going on outside.
Also, do a final round of Search and Capture - from Day 2. Make use of this day to find more things to say GOODBYE!
Day 5 – Lunar Dec. 28 – Final Detox
Go throw out everything you Searched and Captured, don’t let them stay inside the house.
They can be outside the house waiting for the garbage truck, but not inside!
After you're done, do a final cleansing with the sound method again fromDay 3.
This time you don’t have to do the whole house , just around this area where you put the trash bags.
Now the bad stuff is gone - the viruses, the trouble makers - it’s time to welcome the New Year, and start a new chapter in life with plenty of room for better luck!
How bad is your "rat problem"? Get extra cleansing power and a luck boost with our FU talismans:
Kill off all the negatives on the way and not just “push” them around!
(no need to play nice with the bad energies that bullied you this year, right?)
Use this one to make FU water, and spray it around the house like air freshener while you're walking doing your banging and music (Day 3 of the Cleansing Guide).
Use this FU at the end of Day 5 – Final Detox, to cleanse your body and get rid of all the negative energies still sticking to you.
The stuff that you pushed out of the house needs to stay OUT.
Tape this FU above your main entrance and let it guard your door.
Carry with you, and keep yourself safe and clean!