You should have a pair of coins as your “divination cup.” We have special tools called the moon cup, but now you can start by using a pair of coins—Mark one of the sides as “negative” and the other as positive. You can use the head as positive, the tail as negative, or a marker to mark one side as negative. Any way is fine.
This cup can be chick’d on the lunar 1st with the RC’s side, but you can chick it with your local altar and the god in your body first.
PURIFY the coins first, then keep them as special coins, don’t use them for anything else.
Put them between the palms and do HS0, left foot 3x, right foot 3x, etc. Chick it with your god. Then, take it to your local altar to chick them with the god at the altar. Now, this is good to use as a magical coin for asking the gods questions.
Watch the video to learn how to use the DIV COIN/CUP:
DIV CUPS are very useful; use them more often. At the end of any chick-fu ceremony, they should be used to ask the god, “Is the FU approved?” See if you can get an ST or YANG. If not, the FU is not approved, then you need to find out why or chick again etc. Sometimes the FU could need empowerment, or the gods don’t have the power to provide for your FU. This is something you have to learn from experience. Talk on LINE and ask questions, then you will learn as you talk with Cia Juan on LINE.
*If you mostly use them at the local altar, keep the coins at the altar.